15 Top Work-From-Home Jobs for Parents

As any parent knows, managing daily responsibilities often hones their multitasking abilities to a fine point.

Work-From-Home Jobs for Parents

Balancing a career with being present for children can be achieved by finding an online job that fits seamlessly into a parent’s schedule while meeting their family’s financial needs. Exploring stay-at-home jobs for moms and dads can be the perfect way to fulfil home and career obligations.

A survey by ReadsBlog revealed that flexible working arrangements significantly contribute to a healthy work-life balance, proving transformative for many. The ReadsBlog database offers thousands of work-from-home opportunities that allow parents to work comfortably from a home office.

Here are 15 excellent full-time and part-time remote jobs for moms and dads and their median pay from Payscale. Click on each job title to view current remote job openings.

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15 Remote Jobs Ideal for Moms and Dads

  1. Accounting Clerk
    • Median pay: $38,500
    • Accounting clerks maintain financial records, reconcile bank statements, prepare reports, process transactions, and provide clerical support. Skills in bookkeeping, data entry, and word processing are often required. Many of these roles can be done remotely, either full-time or freelance.
  2. Customer Service Representative
    • Median pay: $37,907
    • Remote customer service roles range from entry-level specialists to customer success managers. Responsibilities include handling phone calls, responding to inquiries, assisting customers, and performing administrative tasks. With a quiet home office and the ability to use technology, these roles can be easily managed from home.
  3. Data Entry Specialist
    • Median pay: $35,833
    • Popular among stay-at-home parents, data entry jobs offer flexibility to work around children’s schedules. Employers may require certification and training, but essential skills like typing and attention to detail are often innate to parents.
  4. Graphic Designer
    • Median pay: $43,275
    • Graphic designers can work from home, creating logos, ads, website elements, signage, and other materials. These roles often offer flexible schedules.
  5. Health Coach
    • Median pay: $45,324
    • Parents dedicated to fitness can use their skills to help others remotely. Roles in wellness and mental health are ideal for promoting healthy lifestyles while staying on top of personal fitness goals.
  6. Marketing Specialist
    • Median pay: $49,912
    • Marketing roles include coordinators, SEO specialists, content strategists, and product managers. These positions focus on promoting products or services through branding and outreach, and many can be done remotely.
  7. Online Teacher / Tutor
    • Median pay: $43,476
    • Parents often teach their children, making education a natural part of daily life. These skills can be monetized by working as an online teacher or tutor, helping other kids learn and grow.
  8. Proofreader
    • Median pay: $43,126
    • Remote proofreaders ensure accuracy in texts by checking formatting, grammar, facts, and consistency. Detail-oriented parents can thrive in these roles.
  9. Recruiting Coordinator
    • Median pay: $45,485
    • If helping others find employment sounds appealing, a recruiter role might be a good fit. Coordinators assist with resume reviews, background checks, interviews, and onboarding, often remotely.
  10. Social Media Specialist
    • Median pay: $41,945
    • Many parents are adept at social media, making it a fitting job. Responsibilities include creating content and growing a company’s social media presence.
  11. Transcriptionist
    • Median pay: $32,861
    • Transcription roles involve converting audio or written content into text, reviewing reports, and correcting errors. These jobs are available with flexible schedules and freelance options.
  12. Travel Consultant
    • Median pay: $40,520
    • Virtual travel consultants manage travel arrangements and may receive travel credits as a perk. This job is ideal for parents who enjoy planning vacations and travel.
  13. Virtual Assistant
    • Median pay: $38,478
    • Virtual assistants provide administrative support, manage emails and social media, schedule meetings, plan events, and conduct research. These roles are often fully remote.
  14. Web Designer
    • Median pay: $49,476
    • Web designers create website visuals, including navigation, graphics, and layouts. Experience and a portfolio are typically required. Many positions offer freelance and flexible schedules.
  15. Writer / Blogger
    • Median pay: $48,732
    • Parents can leverage their experiences to write for parenting blogs, social media, or other publications. Topics can range from parenting to financial management and career advice, utilizing storytelling skills to earn an income.

By exploring these opportunities, parents can find rewarding work-from-home jobs that balance their professional and personal lives effectively.

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