How Much Does Scaling And Root Planing Cost Without Insurance?

In order to cure periodontal disease, a non-surgical procedure called scaling and root planing offers a thorough cleaning below the gumline. Local anesthetic is first administered to the treatment region in order to numb it. After that, plaque and tartar beneath the gum line are removed manually or with an ultrasonic device during tooth scaling.

The next phase involves root planing, which is done to clean under the gum line and smooth off uneven surfaces. You can feel some discomfort for a day or two after scaling and root planing and sensitivity for up to a week. We go into detail about the price of scaling and root planing, if insurance will pay for the surgery, and how financing can be useful.

How much does scaling and root planing cost?

Your regional area or location, among other things, can affect the cost of scaling and root planing, which typically ranges from $150 to $350 for each quadrant of the mouth (of which there are four).
1 Additional fees for the process could include x-rays, comprehensive cleaning of the entire mouth to eliminate plaque and tartar, local anesthetic, and if required, antibiotics.

Scaling and root planing for teeth often cost $400 to $4,000. The cost varies according to the severity and distribution of the infection. It might cost closer to $400 if you only need to have one area of your mouth-sized. The mouth will bleed more if the entire mouth is treated.

Additionally, the pricing schedules for a regular dentist and a periodontist will differ. You might be able to receive treatment at your general dentist’s office and pay less if your infection is not severe enough to need a specialist’s attention, such as a periodontist.

Associated Costs Of Scaling And Root Planing

You might have to pay some expenses in addition to the scaling and root planing. The first scenario is that you could go in for a routine cleaning at the dentist and be told that you have periodontal disease. In this case, the dentist would have to conduct a full mouth debridement, which could cost $75 to $200.

A complete set of dental x-rays, which will cost between $50 and $300, will also probably be required. If you are relying on dental insurance for this procedure, your insurance company will probably require x-rays before they would cover the cost of the scaling and root planing.

You might need an antibiotic chip to be inserted in particularly deep pockets once scaling and root planing is finished. Arestin, which adds an additional $50 to $100 per site, promotes gum healing closer to the tooth.

  • Insurance Can Help You Save Money On Scaling And Root Planing: Insurance can lower your out-of-pocket expenses. To find out what percentages of services are in-network and out-of-network, visit the website of your insurance company. For operations performed by a doctor in-network, the majority of insurances will pay 80%. For a better understanding of how much your insurance will pay and how much it will ultimately cost you, you can also think about having your dentist’s office submit a pre-treatment estimate to your insurance company.
  • Discount dental plans: This is an additional choice to lower your out-of-pocket expenses. A dental discount program requires an annual membership fee, as opposed to insurance, which has a monthly payment. Any dental care you receive from participating dentists will be at a reduced cost.
  • Dental Schools: You might be apprehensive about seeking treatment at a dental school, but all operations are overseen by a registered dental expert, making it a very cost-effective choice. Additionally, you might be able to locate a continuing education school where you might perform your treatment in front of an audience as a volunteer for a class.

Does scaling and root planning get covered by dental insurance?

Dental insurance typically pays 50% or more of the cost of scaling and root planing because it is typically a medically essential treatment for gum disease.
1 To find out about your specific benefits, including any deductible or co-pay requirements, check with your plan’s provider.

How can I pay for scaling and root planning?

There are numerous payment methods you can take into consideration if you require a scaling and root planning but lack dental insurance or if you need a way to cover co-pays, deductibles, or other out-of-pocket expenses. Of course, you can use the money if you have it on hand. Scaling and root planning procedures could also be covered by tax-free Health Savings Accounts (HSA) or Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA). If you want to pay over time, it’s crucial to realize that very few doctors and other healthcare professionals offer credit to patients through their offices, where patients would get bills and pay the doctor directly.

The CareCredit credit card is accepted by many, and almost all of them do, making it possible to pay for the surgery easily.

Specifics of Scaling & Root Planing

In the United States, 47.2 percent of adults aged 30 and older have gum disease, making it a common condition.

Periodontal disease, often known as gum disease, develops on your teeth when tartar forms as a result of plaque buildup and hardening. This may extend to the gum-line-level tooth roots. When that happens, you’ll need a dentist to clean it out for you. Scaling and root planning are frequently used to achieve this.

Two steps in a deep cleaning process include scaling and root planing. During scaling, a specialized hook tool is used to remove plaque and tartar that has hardened all the way under your gums. This can be done manually, with an ultrasonic instrument, or by combining both methods.

By smoothing down the roots of your teeth, root planing can help the gums reattach to the tooth more firmly and prevent plaque from building up on the rough edges. Scaling and root planing may require more than one treatment, depending on the severity of the gum disease. It might occasionally call for anesthetic drugs.

Scaling & Root Planning Expenses

Scaling and root planing typically cost between $200 and $300 for a small region, although the final cost can differ significantly depending on:

  • the location of the problematic region.
  • the degree of the required therapy and the severity of the periodontal disease.
  • the particular dental practice and practitioner who are carrying out the action. Usually, periodontists charge more than dentists.
  • geographic region.
  • Medicines are required.
  • Dental teeth cleaning techniques include scaling and root planning. It is a longer process that entails going deeper than regular cleaning.
  • You will be expected to pay more than what is generally covered if you have already reached the annual cap on your dental insurance.
  • You will be asked to make additional payments if your dental insurance yearly maximum has already been reached.


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