Nearly half the Americans are not satisfied with how much paid for broadband service

Nearly half the Americans are not satisfied with how much paid for broadband service

According to a new survey, nearly half of Americans are not content with the cost of their broadband connection.

Consumer reports today published their survey which indicated that, to some extent, 42 percent of those surveyed were “unhappy” with the amount they paid for their Internet services. The poll showed that 27% of individuals were “almost unfulfilled,” 10% “extremely unhappy,” and 5% “accomplished”.


In addition, 21 percent of consumers asked that their monthly Internet bill be “somewhat tough,” with 3 percent noting that it would be “extremely hard” to do so.

However, there has been a growing view on broadband service. 41% say they were “somewhat satisfied” with their service overall, and 15% “somewhat disappointed,” according to Consumer Reports. Meanwhile, 5% responded that they were very unhappy, and 2% said they were very unhappy.

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As for those who did not have high-speed Internet services at home, 32 percent said it was because the costs were too high, while another 25 percent claimed it wasn’t connected, because wherever they were living, it wasn’t available.

Jonathan Schwantes, the Senior Consumer Policy Advisor, said in an opinion: “This poll reaffirms that it is too expensive to connect to millions of Americans and that the service is unsatisfactory in a number of circumstances,” he added. “As this pandemic continues it makes every difference in the world to connect to high-speed Internet whether you apply for a job or speak with friends or family.”

In June, 2.565 adults were polled about their web services.

The Consumer Reports study is carried out through Congress since President Joe Biden’s broadband development package includes funds.


The law has to pass a vote both in the Senate and in the House of Representatives, but now the $65 billion frameworks for broadband are included.

It also provides for providers that receive financing to offer affordable low-cost plans and for providers to present a broadband nutrition label in order for the White House to compare programs.

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