Good Business Strategy Components and its Examples

Business Strategy Components

What is Business Strategy and why its important

Do you ever wonder why some businesses are more successful and successful than others? Or why are some games difficult to beat while others are not? So, if a company wants to be competitive in the industry, it must develop and implement a smart and sound strategy.

Amazon, for example, has been successful for years because its approach is inextricably linked to its mission. Amazon is regarded for being the world’s most customer-centric firm. Its goods and services offer a seamless experience, allowing users to visit a location, find, explore, and purchase items online.

A strategy is a long-term plan that you develop for your business to achieve the desired future condition. Your company’s aims and objectives, the types of products/services you plan to produce, the consumers you want to sell to, and the markets you serve to generate money are all part of a strategy.

A strategy is solid when all of the assumptions you make when developing it have been validated and evaluated for accuracy, and your judgments can be supported by facts and evidence. It’s critical to make sure your strategy is in line with your company’s goals, the type of business you conduct and are recognized for, and the climate in which you want to succeed.

Google’s aim, for example, is to offer people the best online experience possible. The public recognizes it as Google Search. Google’s primary aims are reflected in all of its products and services.

A strong strategy will assist you in making sound investing decisions, such as how and where to spend your money. It also aids in the prioritization of projects and other operations inside your organization. Allocate and optimize resources, and earn at a rate that is above average.

A business plan can help you achieve your objectives by describing the procedures and tactics you’ll need to implement within your organization. Many of your organizational decisions, such as recruiting new staff, are guided by your business strategy.

It takes time and effort to design a business strategy that is in accordance with your company’s goal. In this post, we’ll go over what a business strategy is and why it’s important, as well as the components of a business plan and 10 business strategy examples to help you come up with ideas for your own business.

What is the Definition of a Business Strategy?

A business strategy is a plan for a company’s activities and decisions in order to achieve its goals and objectives. A business plan outlines what the company must do to achieve its objectives, and it can aid in the recruiting and resource allocation decisions. A corporate strategy enables multiple departments to collaborate, ensuring that departmental actions complement the company’s overarching direction.

What is the Significance of a Business Strategy?

A business plan is crucial for firms for a variety of reasons, including:


A company strategy aids you in determining the most important activities to follow in order to achieve your objectives.

Strengths and Weaknesses:

The process of developing a business plan helps you to discover and assess your company’s strengths and weaknesses, allowing you to develop a strategy that maximizes your strengths while compensating for or eliminating your deficiencies.


A company plan allows you to organize resources effectively for your business tasks, making you more efficient. It also helps you keep on track with your project goals by allowing you to plan ahead for deadlines, assign job tasks, and stay on track with your project goals.


Developing a company plan helps you to exercise more control over the types of actions that will directly assist you in achieving your objectives, as well as quickly analyze whether your activities are moving you closer to your objectives.

Competitive advantage:

By establishing a clear plan for achieving your objectives, you can concentrate on capitalizing on your strengths and turning them into a competitive advantage that distinguishes your organization in the marketplace.

A Business Strategy’s Components

A company strategy has six major components. They are as follows:

Business Aims and Vision

A company plan is designed to assist you in achieving your goals. You can create clear directions in the company strategy for what needs to be done and who is responsible for completing each stage if you have a vision for the business’s direction.

Foundational Values

According to the organization’s basic principles, a business strategy directs top-level executives as well as departments on what should and should not be done. It keeps everyone on the same page and focused on the same objectives.

Conduct a SWOT Analysis

Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT) are acronyms for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. This analysis is incorporated in every business plan since it helps the organization to rely on and leverage its strengths. It also alerts the firm about any potential dangers or flaws.


Many company strategies spell out the specifics of how the task should be carried out in order to enhance efficiency. People in charge of strategies are aware of what needs to be done, which saves time and effort.

Plan for Allocating Resources

A business strategy outlines where you’ll get the resources you’ll need to finish the plan, how those resources will be allocated, and who will be in charge of doing so. You’ll be able to see where you need to contribute extra resources in order to finish your tasks in this way.


The business plan also contains a method for tracking the company’s output and evaluating how it is performing in comparison to the goals stated before the strategy was launched. This allows you to keep on track with deadlines, goals, and financial constraints.

10 Examples of Business strategies

Here are ten amazing business tactics to consider:

1) Increase the Number of Things You Cross-Sell.

Some businesses concentrate on selling more products to the same customer. Office supply companies, banks, and online shops all benefit from cross-selling. You can improve the average cart size by raising the number of items sold per customer. Without having to spend money on acquiring more new consumers, even a little increase in cart size can have a substantial influence on profitability.

2) The Product or Service that is the Most Innovative

Many businesses, particularly those in the technology or automotive industries, distinguish themselves by developing cutting-edge products. You’ll need to define what “innovation” means for your firm or how you’re inventive in order to employ this as a business strategy.

3) Increase Sales of New Products

Even with their most successful goods, some companies prefer to spend on research and development in order to stay ahead of the competition. This strategy entails releasing new products to the market as well as updating existing ones to keep up with trends.

4) Improve the Customer Service Experience

If your company has had trouble providing exceptional customer service, this could be a solid business approach. Some businesses have even earned a reputation for providing excellent customer service. Companies typically have difficulty in one area, thus a business strategy aimed at enhancing customer service will typically include goals such as better online help or a more efficient call center.

5) Capturing a Nascent Market

To corner a youthful market, some huge corporations are buying out or merging with competitors. Fortune 500 businesses frequently employ this method to obtain an advantage in a new or fast-growing market. Acquiring a new firm helps a larger corporation to compete in a market where it previously did not have a strong presence while keeping the product or service’s users.

6) Differentiation of Products

Product diversification is a typical business approach, particularly for organizations that sell to consumers (B2C). They can stress the fact that their items have superior technology, features, pricing, or styling to set them apart.

7) Pricing Methods

When it comes to pricing, firms can either keep their prices low to attract more customers or raise their costs above what most ordinary customers can afford to give their items aspirational value. Because profit margins are typically quite low, companies that want to keep their pricing low will need to sell a substantially bigger number of products. Companies who choose to price their items beyond the reach of regular customers are able to keep their product’s exclusivity while maintaining a big profit margin per product.

8) Competitive Technological Advantage

You can often obtain better sales, more production, or even market dominance by gaining a technological advantage. This could include investing in R&D, acquiring a smaller company to obtain access to their technology, or even hiring employees with particular abilities that will offer the company a technological edge.

9) Increase Consumer Loyalty

It’s a lot easier to keep a client than to spend money to get a new one, which is why this is an excellent approach to use if you want to boost customer retention. In order to keep your consumers, you’ll need to identify important techniques and projects.

10) Long-Term Sustainability

You may establish an entire business plan targeted at ensuring your company’s long-term viability. For example, creating a recycling program could help the company save money on electricity and minimize its carbon footprint.

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