How Much Does Private Mortgage Insurance (PMI) Cost?

What is Mortgage Insurance?

Homeowners’ insurance and mortgage insurance are not the same things. Homeowners insurance is designed to safeguard you financially in the event of a problem or damage to your home. Mortgage insurance, on the other hand, is intended to safeguard your lender in the event that you are unable to repay your loan.

The following is a breakdown of how each sort of insurance works:

  • Homeowners insurance is a type of insurance that protects your home against damage and liability. Your insurance will assist pay the costs if your home is broken into, is damaged in a storm, or has some other problem.
  • Mortgage insurance: Your lender may need you to pay for mortgage insurance when you apply for a loan. The lender will use that policy to collect their losses if you default on your mortgage.

How Does Mortgage Insurance Work?

Depending on the lender and loan type, you may be required to pay for mortgage insurance upfront or as part of your monthly mortgage payment. Both an upfront and annual payment are required for FHA loans.


While mortgage insurance may make it simpler to qualify for a home loan, it may increase your monthly cost. You’re still at risk of losing your home if you fall behind on payments because mortgage insurance is designed to protect the lender, not you.

When Do You Need Mortgage Insurance?

When you receive a mortgage, the insurance you get varies depending on the loan package. What you may expect from each form of loan is as follows:

Conventional loans: You’ll only need mortgage insurance on a conventional loan if you put down less than 20%. Mortgage insurance is not required upfront on conventional loans; instead, it is paid monthly along with your mortgage.

FHA loans: If you’re getting an FHA loan, you’ll have to pay mortgage insurance both upfront and annually (spread across your monthly mortgage payments).

USDA loans involve upfront and annual premiums, which are referred to as “guarantee fees” by USDA.
Mortgage insurance is not required for VA loans. A “funding fee” is charged, however, it is paid at the time of closing and can be rolled into the loan balance.

Private mortgage insurance (PMI) costs are determined by the loan amount, the trustworthiness of the homeowners, and the proportion of a home’s value which would be paid out in the event of a claim. In general, this is how all mortgage insurance firms price their plans. Most mortgage insurance premiums cost between 0.5 percent and 5 percent of the original amount of a conventional mortgage per year, regardless of the home’s valuation. That means that if a borrower borrowed $150,000 and the yearly premiums were 1%, the borrower would have to pay $1,500 ($125 per month) to insure their mortgage each year.

  • How Credit Scores Affect the Cost of PMI
  • PMI Rate Adjustments

How Credit Scores Affect the Cost of PMI

Credit scores have an impact on PMIS as well as mortgage and homeowners insurance prices. Consider the following example of how creditworthiness affects the cost of mortgage insurance: Consider two people who each want to buy a $100,000 home and each have $10,000 (or 10% of the home’s worth) to put down.

Despite the fact that they have an identical down payment, their credit ratings have a significant role in the cost of their mortgage insurance premiums. To demonstrate this, we plotted the pricing differential for a Radian mortgage insurance policy across credit score silos. The policy covers a fixed-rate loan with a period of more than 20 years and is paid for by the borrower.

As you can see, if Borrower A has a FICO credit score of 760 or above and Borrower B has a score of less than 639, Borrower B’s mortgage insurance premiums will be four times more than Borrower A’s.

How Loan-to-Value (LTV) and Claim Payout Ratios Affect PMI Costs

Companies price PMI premiums based on the loan-to-value (LTV) ratio of a mortgage and the percentage of the loan recovered if a claim is filed, in addition to FICO credit ratings. It may appear difficult, but calculating these components for a policy is simple.

Most mortgages that have a loan-to-value ratio (LTV ratio) of 80 percent to 97 percent must be insured. In other words, if a borrower can only afford a down payment of 20% to 3% of the home’s worth, they will almost certainly need mortgage insurance. However, not all LTV ratios are regarded equally. The borrower’s PMI cost would be 2.56 percent of the $100,000 loan amount, or $2,560 if their mortgage lender took out a policy to cover 35% of the loan amount.


PMI Rate Adjustments

The above base prices are also subject to price modifications by insurance providers. For example, Genworth Mortgage Insurance Corporation sells mortgage insurance and uses a number of standard modifications to raise and lower premiums.


Some of the company’s changes reduced premium costs, such as for mortgages with amortization terms of 25 years or less and corporate relocation loans. Mortgages on secondary residences and investment properties, as well as any loan amount larger than $417,000, are among the other alterations that raise premium costs.

The five modifications that have the most impact on the base rate of a mortgage insurance policy are listed below. Radian, like Genworth, includes changes that lower the cost of a borrower’s premium, but these aren’t included in the chart.

There may be exceptions to the premium adjustments that carriers make. Mortgage insurance rates in Hawaii and Alaska are one example of a common adjustment exemption. In Alaska and Hawaii, premium changes depending on loan amount begin at $625,000 instead of $417,000, as opposed to $417,000 in the continental United States.

If you want to avoid PMI on your first house, there are a few options available, but keep in mind that many of them will end up costing you more in the long run.

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