Jazz Caller Tune Code

Jazz Caller Tune Code
Jazz Caller Tune Code

How to Activate or Deactivate Jazz Caller Tune?

In terms of the standard Jazz Tune list, Jazz customers can make their callers listen to their favorite Jazz Tune. In this post, we will send you full info about how Jazz Caller Tunes is subscribed and disabled, along with a list and the service fees.


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Jazz Caller TuneCodes
How to Activate/SubscribeDial 230 or send ‘sub’ to 230
How to Deactivate/UnsubscribeDial 230 or send ‘unsub’ to 230
Price Rs.2.01/ Day
IVR ChargesRs. 0.72/Min (By dialing 2301)
IVR ChargesRs. 2.84/Min (By dialing 230)
SMS Charges (To Download Content)Rs. 7.99 + tax
To Block Jazz tunesDial *2302*1#
To Unblock Jazz tunesDial *2302*2#
Random RBT SubscriptionSend Sub to 6007
Random RBT UnsubscriptionSend Unsub to 6007

Other Information

You can browse and download yon their own choice Apni Dhun on the Apni Dhun 230 IVR Menu from the following listed:

  • Pakistani (New Releases, Top 10, Ghazals, Punjabi, Pop, Balochi, Pushto, Sindhi, Others)
  • English (Top 10, Classics, New Releases, Rock, RnB, Others)
  • Asian (Top 10, New Releases, Punjabi, Classics, Others)
  • Arabic (Top 10, New Releases, Classics)
  • Religious
  • Jazz Themes
  • Instrumental
  • Movies
  • Miscellaneous

Important Terms & Conditions

  • Both prepaid and postpaid customers can avail Jazz tunes offer
  • Advertisement
  • Content library for Apni Dhun is the same as that of Mobitunes.
  • Both has seperately charges if you have activate both offer Mobitunes & Apni Dhun at same time
  • Warid customers can not avail Apni Dhun offer

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