6 Latest Tech Trends That Will Define the Future

We haven’t yet moved to mars or traveled in flying cars but we are certainly living in a technologically advanced era. The coming decade will bring exciting new trends that will shape our future. 

In my opinion, we have already entered an era of a new revolution because of the COVID pandemic. This crisis has induced rapid digitalization and automation. Enterprises have changed their business models and customers have adapted as well. Households realized that they need fast internet services, much like the Cox cable service, and businesses had to create an online presence to survive. A lot has changed now. 

Latest Tech Trends That Will Define the Future

Are you wondering what further revolutions are in store and how do you prepare for the new world? In this case, these are the trends you must keep an eye on: 

1. Cybersecurity Mesh 

Technology has improved the performance of the business world but it has done some harm which we must watch out for. It has given birth to new cybersecurity threats. These threats must be tackled via a critical strategy. Hence Cybersecurity mesh was formed. It is a trend that addresses the current cybersecurity needs in both physical and virtual environments. 

It provides a distributed, decentralized infrastructure that creates a security perimeter around any user or individual within the network. You can improve the security of any place where your essential assets, personnel, and gadgets are present. 

Also See: Check your internet speed

2. Practical Deployment of IoT 

We have been hearing about IoT for a long time. However, as 5G is rolling, it’s predicted that the number of connected devices will upscale the IoT application.  

Take Amazon Go, for instance. This system uses IoT and ML for enabling customers to buy the things they like without manual checkout. In the future, we are likely to see more scalable IoT solutions.  

3. IoB 

After IoT comes to IoB (Internet of behavior). When workers at an industrial site returned to work after the COVID-19 outbreak caused a temporary shutdown, they discovered that sensors were being used to assess if they were sanitizing their hands duly. 

Speakers were used to alerting people about protocol infringements, while computer vision was used to determine if the staff was wearing masks. 

IoB refers to the behavioral data that is being gathered and analyzed to impact how individuals behave at work. Another application of IoB technology is in commercial vehicles. It can track driving habits such as rapid brakes and forceful maneuvers, which vehicle companies may use to improve driver performance and safety. 

4. The Commercial Use of Quantum Computing  

The quantum computing age began in 2020. It is expected to tackle the most pressing issues in the industry, such as health care and energy, as data grows. Cancer therapy, nuclear energy regulation, and DNA analysis will all require the ability to handle massive data by 2020. Giants like IBM, Google, Alibaba, Microsoft, and Intel have all made quantum computing investments. 

In case you didn’t know what Quantum computers are, these are fast devices that are capable of solving unsolvable solutions. It wouldn’t be wrong to say that they will make our current technology look like someone from the Stone Age era.  

The work on Quantum computing was restricted to labs only but it’s expected that the first commercial quantum computer will be available soon. This is huge progress!  

5. Distributed Cloud Defining the Future of Cloud Computing  

Distributed cloud is the type of cloud where cloud services are distributed to various physical locations. The operation as well as government, however, is the public cloud provider’s responsibility. 

This trend is already in progress. Many organizations have moved their applications and data to the public cloud.  In 2021, the distributed cloud will make it easier for businesses to bring various services closer together, addressing low-latency issues, reducing data costs, and complying with laws that require data to be kept in a particular geographic region.

Organizations will, however, continue to profit from the economies of the public cloud economics. They won’t have to keep a private cloud, which can be complex as well as expensive. 

6. Drones and Other Aerial Vehicles  

Drones – the aircraft that can be operated remotely or autonomously, have changed the way military operations are conducted today. Search and rescue missions, firefighting, law enforcement, and transportation, everything is changing for the better. But there is more in store. Soon, we will see drone taxis ready to drop passengers from one location to another.

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