Tips for Better Decision-Making

Tips for Better Decision-Making

Knowing how to make good decisions, such as what to wear to a job interview or where to put your money, could be the key to living your greatest life. And being able to make those decisions quickly and with confidence in your decision-making abilities could save you a lot of time and effort.

Fortunately, anyone can improve their decision-making skills. Incorporate these nine daily routines into your life if you want to become a better decision-maker.

Knowing how to make good decisions, such as what to wear to a job interview or where to put your money, could be the key to living your greatest life. And being able to make those decisions quickly and with confidence in your decision-making abilities could save you a lot of time and effort.

Fortunately, anyone can improve their decision-making skills. Incorporate these nine daily routines into your life if you want to become a better decision-maker.

Be Aware of Your Excessive Confidence

People routinely overestimate their abilities as well as the accuracy of their knowledge, according to studies.

Perhaps you’re 90% certain you know where the workplace you’re attending is located. Perhaps you’re 80 percent confident in your ability to persuade your boss to give you a raise. Your plans are likely to go astray if you’re overconfident about such items.

When it comes to time management, it’s extremely crucial to evaluate your level of confidence. The majority of people exaggerate how much they can do in a given amount of time. Do you believe you’ll be able to finish that report in one hour? Do you think you’ll be able to pay your bills online in 30 minutes or less? You might discover that your projections are overly confident.


Every day, set aside some time to assess your chances of success. After that, review your estimates at the end of the day. Were you as precise as you thought you were?

Overconfidence can be a challenge for good decision-makers in certain aspects of their lives. They then modify their thinking and conduct in response.

Make a List of the Risks You’re Willing to Take.

Comfort comes from familiarity. And there’s a strong chance you’re making terrible decisions simply because you’ve become accustomed to your routines and don’t consider the danger or harm you’re causing.

You might, for example, speed every day on your way to work. Each time you arrive safely without receiving a speeding citation, you gain a little more confidence in your ability to drive quickly. However, you’re plainly compromising your safety and putting yourself in legal jeopardy.

Or perhaps you eat fast food every day for lunch. You might not think it’s a problem because you don’t notice any symptoms of illness right away. However, you may gain weight or have other health problems as a result of this.

Recognize habits that have become second nature. These are things that you don’t have to think about because they’re automatic. Then decide which ones are potentially hazardous or unhealthy, and make a plan to cultivate healthier daily behaviors.

Consider a Different Approach to Your Issues

How you phrase a query or an issue has a big impact on how you’ll reply and assess your prospects of achievement.

Consider the following scenario: two surgeons. “Ninety percent of those who have this operation live,” one physician assures his patients. “Ten percent of patients who have this operation die,” says the second surgeon.

The facts are identical. Individuals who hear “10 percent of people die” believe their danger to be much higher, according to studies.

So, the next time you’re presented with a decision, think about it from a fresh perspective. Consider whether the little adjustment in language has an impact on your perception of the situation.

Put the Problem Out of Your Mind

When faced with a difficult decision, such as whether to relocate to a new location or change occupations, you may spend a lot of time weighing the benefits and drawbacks, as well as the potential risks and rewards.

While science demonstrates that thinking about your options has a lot of benefits, overthinking your options might really be a problem. Too much time spent weighing the benefits and drawbacks can cause you to become stressed and unable to make a decision.


According to studies, allowing an idea to “incubate” has a lot of benefits. Nonconscious thought is surprisingly insightful. As a result, think about sleeping on an issue.

Alternatively, engage in an activity that diverts your attention away from a problem. Allow your brain to think things out in the background and you’ll come up with clear answers.

Ways to Avoid Decision Fatigue

Make Time to Think About Your Mistakes

Set aside time to think about your blunders, whether you left the house without an umbrella and got soaked on your way to work, or you blew your budget because you couldn’t resist an impulse purchase.

Make it a habit to reflect on your choices during the day on a daily basis. When your choices don’t work out, think about what went wrong. Look for the lessons that each of your mistakes can teach you.

Just remember not to focus on your errors for too long. It’s not helpful for your mental health to keep rehashing your mistakes.

Keep your contemplation time to a minimum—perhaps 10 minutes per day will be plenty to let you consider how you can improve tomorrow. Then, using the facts you’ve gathered, resolve to make better judgments in the future.

Recognize Your Shortcuts

You are biassed in certain ways, which might be unpleasant to admit. Being entirely objective is impossible.

In fact, your mind has developed heuristics, or mental shortcuts, to help you make judgments faster. While these mental shortcuts save you time by allowing you to skip hours of deliberation over each decision, they can also lead you astray.

For example, the availability heuristic includes making decisions based on examples and information that come to mind right away. As a result, if you frequently watch news reports about house fires, you’re likely to exaggerate the risk of a house fire.

Alternatively, if you’ve lately watched a lot of news about airline catastrophes, you might believe your chances of dying in a plane crash are higher than in a car accident (even though statistics show otherwise).

Make it a habit to think about the mental shortcuts that contribute to poor decisions on a daily basis. Recognize your erroneous assumptions about people and circumstances, and you might be able to become a little more objective.

Think About the Opposite

You’re inclined to hold on to a belief after you’ve decided it’s true. It’s a psychological concept called belief persistence. It takes more convincing evidence to change a belief than it does to form one, and there’s a strong possibility you’ve formed several that aren’t serving you well.

You might, for example, believe you’re a lousy public speaker and avoid speaking up in meetings. Alternatively, you may assume you are poor at relationships and hence avoid going on dates.

You’ve also formed opinions about specific groups of people. “People who work out a lot are narcissists,” you could think, or “Rich people are nasty.”

Your assumptions about what is always true or 100 percent correct can lead you wrong. The best way to test your beliefs is to argue against them.

If you’re unsure whether or not you should speak up in a meeting, make a list of all the reasons why you should. If you’re certain that affluent people are bad, make a list of reasons why they might be kind or helpful.

Consider the polar opposite to help you break down unhelpful beliefs so you may see events in a new light and choose a different course of action.

Make a List of Your Feelings

People are more likely to say things like “I had butterflies in my stomach” or “I had a lump in my throat” to express their emotional state than to use feeling terms like sad or nervous.

Many folks are uncomfortable discussing their emotions. Labeling your emotions, on the other hand, can help you make better decisions.

Your emotions have a big influence on the decisions you make.

3 Studies demonstrate that anxiety causes people to play it safe. And anxiety spreads from one aspect of a person’s life to the next.

So, if you’re worried about the mortgage application you just submitted, you might be hesitant to ask someone out on a date since it seems hazardous.


On the other side, excitement can cause you to overestimate your odds of success. Even though there’s a slim chance you’ll succeed, you might be prepared to take a significant risk if the possible rewards are appealing (this is often the case with gambling).

Make it a practice to categorize your emotions on a daily basis. If you’re sad, angry, humiliated, anxious, or disappointed, write it down. Then think about how those feelings might be influencing your decisions.

Speak to Yourself As if You were a Trusted Friend.

When presented with a difficult decision, think to yourself, “What would I tell a buddy who was having this problem?” When you imagine yourself giving advice to someone else, the answer will most likely come to you more easily.

Talking to oneself as if you were a close friend removes some of the emotion. It will assist you in gaining some distance from the decision and allowing you to be more impartial.

It will also encourage you to be friendlier to yourself. 4 While you may be tempted to tell yourself things like, “This will never work.” There’s a strong probability you wouldn’t tell your pal, “You can’t do anything correctly.” You may remark something along the lines of, “You’ve got this.” If you were chatting to a friend, you might say, “I know you can accomplish it.”

It takes time and effort to cultivate gentler inner dialogue. Your decision-making skills will improve if you make self-compassion a regular practice.

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