What Does Renters Insurance Cover?

Damage to or theft of personal property, personal liability damages, emergency medical expenditures for guests, and additional living expenses if you must temporarily relocate are all covered by renters insurance. However, because only specific events qualify for a claim, your insurer will not compensate you for every occurrence connected to these coverages.

We urge that anyone renting a home consider getting a renters policy as a cost-effective approach to protect themselves from the financial consequences of such catastrophes. Continue reading to learn about the average coverage provided by renters insurance.

  • What is renters insurance and how does it work?
  • What is covered by renters insurance?
  • What isn’t covered by renters insurance?

What is Renters Insurance and How Does It Work?

Renters insurance covers the costs of unexpected personal property loss, theft, and legal liability for tenants. Anyone renting an apartment, condo, home, or other living space can get this coverage. Although the coverage is similar to that of homeowners insurance, there are some major differences:

  • The structure or residence, where the tenant lives is not covered by renters insurance. The landlord is responsible for any damage to the building, which would most likely be covered by a landlord insurance policy.
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  • Renters insurance is far less expensive than homeowners insurance.
  • Rental insurance providers range from well-known insurers like State Farm and Allstate to up-and-comers like Lemonade.

What is covered by renters insurance?

In general, renters insurance offers four forms of financial protection:

  • Renters insurance will cover the cost of damage to your property up to the limits of your policy if it is damaged. Fire, wind, and theft are examples of covered “perils,” as insurers refer to the many sources of damage. They are specifically specified (or not) in your policy.
  • Personal liability: If someone is hurt or their property is damaged, and you are found to be at fault, your policy will pay the costs of liability, including legal fees. Liability coverage of up to $100,000 is included in a regular policy.
  • Additional living expenses: If your rented house is rendered uninhabitable as a result of a covered risk, renters insurance will reimburse additional living expenditures. This is also known as loss of usage coverage.
  • Medical Payments: Limited medical coverage if a visitor is hurt on your property.
  • These coverages, when combined, provide significant financial protection against unforeseen events, but it’s crucial to know which situations are covered and which aren’t.

The main benefit of renters insurance is that it protects your personal possessions from typical causes of damage and theft. Almost everything you own in and outside your rental unit or home is considered personal property.

However, renters insurance does not cover all damage to your home. Only if the risk that caused the damage is covered by your policy may you file a claim. Floods and earthquakes are two of the most common risks that renters insurance does not cover.


When your renter’s insurance covers damage or theft of your personal property, you can file a claim for payment up to the policy limits.

For instance, if a fire in your flat damages all of your property, which is worth $10,000, your renter’s insurance provider will reimburse you for that amount, less your deductible.

Make sure you choose limits that will cover you in the event of a total loss when purchasing renters insurance. In the sad event that your belongings are destroyed by fire or other risks, you will be fully reimbursed.

According to Allstate, the average renter’s personal property in the United States is worth around $30,000 for a standard two-room apartment, so it’s critical to create a home inventory and understand the value of what you own.

The majority of renters insurance policies contain $100,000 in liability coverage, which covers the costs of a lawsuit or damages.

Although it is improbable that a lawsuit will be filed against anyone person, the consequences can be severe if it does. Assume tourist trips and has an injury. They may file a lawsuit against you to recoup their medical expenses. Let’s say your dog bites a visitor: In the United States, the average cost of a dog bite claim is around $35,000.

Attorney fees and any damages a policyholder may be forced to pay a plaintiff are covered by personal liability insurance.

One caveat is that insurance companies frequently stipulate in their policies that they will only pay for the services of an attorney of their choosing. Insurance company attorneys are typically seasoned litigators who operate in the best interests of their assigned clients.

If your flat becomes uninhabitable, additional living expenses (ALE) coverage on your renter’s insurance will help cover the increased costs of living away from home.

ALE, like personal property coverage, only kicks in if your home is rendered uninhabitable as a result of a covered loss—that is, one of the risks covered by your renter’s insurance policy. Loss of use is the name for this type of coverage.

If visitors are hurt in your home, your renter’s insurance policy may provide limited medical payments coverage. This could include fees such as their hospital stay, surgical treatments, x-rays, dental work, and other related expenses. Unlike liability coverage, the cause of the harm is irrelevant, thus your guest can be covered under this category regardless of the cause, up to the policy limits, which typically vary from $1,000 to $5,000.

This insurance only covers guests; it does not cover anyone who resides on the premises or is named on your policy.


Renters insurance provides supplemental coverages in addition to the four core coverages.

  • Debris removal: After a covered loss, renters insurance can typically help cover part of the costs of debris removal. Personal property limits apply in this case.
  • Building additions or alterations: If you paid for your own upgrades or alterations to your rental unit, renters insurance may cover damage caused by a covered occurrence.
  • Building addition coverage will typically be limited to a proportion of your personal property coverage limits, such as 15%.
  • Forgery of credit cards and checks: Renters insurance may cover damages caused by the theft and fraudulent use of credit cards or the forgery of checks. Typically, coverage is limited to a certain amount, such as $1,000.
  • Food spoilage: If you lose refrigerated food due to spoilage as a result of a power outage in your flat, most renters insurance policies will cover you under personal property limitations.

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