What Is Commercial Insurance?

Commercial business insurance is coverage for organizations and enterprises that are designed to protect the company, its employees, and its owners. Commercial insurance can come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and colors because there are so many different types of organizations with various needs and conditions.

Overview of Commercial Insurance

Commercial insurance, at its most basic level, is designed to keep businesses safe from hazards that could jeopardize their success. Commercial lines coverage can be tailored to safeguard a company’s reputation, well-being, and financial status, as well as the individuals that work for it, depending on the policy.

Commercial insurance, unlike personal insurance, can cover a variety of stakeholders and personnel. Commercial insurance varies from personal insurance in that it often has significantly greater coverage limits because the more tangible property is at stake.

Furthermore, commercial insurance carriers and brokers have received extensive training in the risks and challenges that firms face. Plans are frequently designed to meet the needs of a company’s specific industry and day-to-day operations. Personal insurance plans, such as auto or renters insurance, offer a more one-size-fits-all approach to purchasing.

Commercial Insurance Types


Commercial insurance comes in a variety of forms. The following are a few of the most common:

  • Businesses that rely on tools or autos to conduct everyday business may benefit from commercial auto and equipment breakdown insurance. Similarly, tools and tech property such as computers, desks, and office surroundings can be protected by property insurance.
  • Workers compensation insurance is a typical type of commercial insurance that is frequently mandated by law, particularly for enterprises in the building, manufacturing, repair, or engineering industries. This sort of insurance protects the employer from lawsuits in the event of a work-related injury or accident, as well as helps to cover medical expenses for an employee who is hurt on the job.
  • Cyber liability insurance is a rapidly increasing type of commercial insurance that protects companies from data breaches and other cyber security hazards. Because many organizations store a lot of personal data on their servers, being hacked can have long-term financial consequences.
  • Packages and Business Owners Policy (BOP) Insurance are popular among business owners since “bundling” many policies together can save money. Property, general liability, crime, and inland marine coverage may be included in different packages and BOPs depending on the business or carrier.

In terms of commercial insurance, business interruption insurance is also a wise investment. This can assist safeguard your organization from financial losses if your company is unable to operate due to a covered accident or unexpected incident.

Read more about what types of small business insurance might be right for your company in our linked article: What Types of Small Business Insurance Might Be Right for My Company? and How Much Does Insurance For A Small Business Cost?

Insurance Policies for Businesses

There are many different types of commercial insurance policies to choose from, and an agent can help you figure out which ones are right for your company. There are a few things you should know about your policy:

  • The amount a company pays for coverage is known as the premium. The type of business, number of employees, location, payroll, years in operation, and exposures are all elements that might affect the cost of your premium.
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  • Deductibles are the amounts that the insured must pay before the insurance will pay for a claim. High deductible insurance coverage may cost less on a monthly basis, but it will cost you more in the event of an accident.
  • Policy limitations put a limit on how much an insurance company will payout on a single claim or over the course of the policy’s term. Even if your deductible is reached, your insurance coverage will only cover you up to a particular amount.
  • Limits can range from minimal to very high, in the hundreds of thousands or even millions of dollars, depending on the policy and coverage.
  • Exclusions are items that are not covered by an insurance policy. Knowing what your policy’s exclusions are will help you determine if the coverage is appropriate for your company.

Connect with an agent to learn more about AmTrust Financial’s small business insurance alternatives.

This information is provided for educational reasons only, and it does not constitute legal or business advice. It highlights the coverages and services that may be included in a policy. Neither AmTrust Financial Services, Inc. nor any of its subsidiaries or affiliates guarantee or warrant that the information provided herein is appropriate or acceptable for any particular business or legal purpose.

Readers with specific questions should get advice from their business and/or legal advisors.

Individual coverage may differ, and not all states offer it. In the case that the content herein conflicts with the terms and conditions of any issued policy, the terms and conditions of that policy will take precedence. Claim examples are for illustrative purposes only and may or may not be based on genuine claims. Any available coverage for a claim will be evaluated based on the facts and circumstances of the claim, as well as the policy’s terms and conditions, including any exclusions or deductibles that may apply.

What is commercial insurance and how does it work?

Commercial insurance, commonly known as business insurance, protects your company financially against frequent risks including client litigation, customer or staff injuries, property theft and damage, and other unforeseen events.

Commercial insurance is divided into two categories. Damage to or loss of commercial property is covered by commercial property insurance. Liability insurance for your business helps to cover the costs of litigation filed against you.

What kind of companies require commercial insurance?

Independent contractors and freelancers, as well as small business owners, could benefit from commercial business insurance.

Accidents, lawsuits, and injuries can happen in any employment, which is why, even if insurance isn’t required by law, it’s crucial to protect yourself.

These are the most common business insurance policies purchased by small business owners:

  • Customer injuries, customer property damage, and advertising injuries are all covered by general liability insurance. It’s frequently demanded in leases and contracts.
  • Errors and omissions insurance (E&O), also known as professional liability insurance, protects your company from a liability claim if you’re sued for missing a deadline, acting negligently, or making a mistake that causes financial damage.
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  • A business owner’s policy (BOP) combines commercial property and general liability coverage into a single policy at a lower cost than purchasing them individually. A BOP protects your business and property from a variety of threats.
  • Data breach and cyberattack liability insurance protects you from the financial consequences of a data breach or a cyberattack.
  • Your company-owned business vehicles are covered by commercial auto insurance in the event of accidents or injuries, as well as theft, vandalism, and other damages.
  • The concept of fidelity bonds is similar to that of an insurance policy. If one of your employees steals from a client, these bonds can reimburse them. They’re frequently essential for people who deal with money and other transactions.
  • Workers’ compensation insurance protects your business while also safeguarding your employees from work-related injuries and illnesses.


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