Why Email Marketing is Important to Grow Your Business

Why Email Marketing is Important to Grow Your Business
9 Reasons Why Email Marketing is Important to Grow Your Business

“Is email marketing still important?” is a topic that has arisen as other digital marketing tactics have advanced.

Yes, in a word. Developing a solid email marketing plan allows you to engage and interact with your target audience in a personalized manner while also increasing revenue at a low cost. Email marketing solutions, like other platforms and media, allow your company to reach clients more easily than ever before.

9 Reasons Why Email Marketing is Important to Grow Your Business

Here are my top nine arguments for email marketing’s importance and how it might benefit your business:

1. Maintain Communication With Your Target Audience

Emails can help you keep in touch with your customers. Consumers have the ability to check their email whenever it suits them.

It may make them feel as if you are thinking about them. This email may simply say, “Hi, we’re thinking about you, here’s a wonderful offer!” “Here’s an update on what’s been going on here in the last few weeks,” for example.

Those who have subscribed to your email list have already agreed to receive these messages. So they’ll probably love these emails (as long as you provide them something worth reading), and it’ll increase consumer engagement.

2. Communicate With Customers in Real-Time

According to Litmus, mobile devices were used to open 54% of all emails. This is crucial and should be considered while devising any marketing strategy.

Mobile devices are increasingly being used by customers to access not only emails but also other forms of media and information. Furthermore, well-designed emails convert at a higher rate on mobile than any other media. Hit ’em while you’re on the move!

3. Emails Elicit Responses

An email has been a medium of communication for a long time, nearly 40 years in fact. An email has quickly become one of our primary modes of contact as the years have passed. We’ve all been taught to respond to emails in some way.

Whether it’s to reply, forward, click through to anything else contained within the email, delete, buy something, or sign up, the options are endless. We usually respond to emails in some way.

Knowing this, you may use email to encourage individuals to visit your website, call you, or take any other action. In fact, email marketing was responsible for almost 25% of sales last year.

4. Email Marketing is Simple to Track

After you’ve sent out your email campaign, most email marketing solutions allow you to follow what occurs next. Delivery rates, bounce rates, unsubscribe rates, click-through rates, and open rates can all be tracked.

This offers you a better idea of how your email campaigns are performing and which ones need to be tweaked or eliminated entirely. These figures should not be overlooked. They’re a crucial component of your overall internet marketing strategy. While numerous research and surveys provide “ideal” statistics to aim for, it all relies on your sector and target audience.

If your clients not only desire but also expect daily emails, you should provide them what they want. Sending too many emails to customers who don’t want more than one per week, on the other hand, will boost your unsubscribe rate. It all comes down to getting to know your clients and giving useful material.

5. It is Cost-Effective

Yes, we know you’ve been waiting for us to comment on this. For less than a penny for each message, you can reach a big number of people. With email marketing’s low cost per (potential) conversion, I’m not sure why every organization doesn’t participate or engage more frequently.

At SendGrid’s Platinum Marketing Email level, email marketing services like SendGrid cost $0.0006 cents per message. You can send up to 12,000 emails per month for free with Mail Chimp.

Larger monthly plans for bigger enterprises with up to 600,000 subscribers are also available, as well as high-volume sender plans for anything above that. Vertical Response, another email marketing firm, offers free email marketing up to 4,000 emails per month and 1,000 email contacts. Subscription services are also available for high-volume senders.

So, while there is a big return on investment, it could be a good idea to engage someone to handle these efforts. Your organization would spend roughly 152 hours per year handling a 15,000 email database, according to Shout It Out Designs.

This would entail email composing, drafting, scheduling, sending, and other chores, as well as handling any questions about offers, missing coupons, or other issues, and database maintenance, which would include adding and deleting members, updating information, and other tasks.

6. Makes it Possible to Send Messages to Specific People

Let’s speak about the importance of email marketing in terms of lead nurturing – often known as email lead marketing. The essential point is that your potential consumers are at various phases of the purchasing process.

Some are in the consideration stage, while others are in the research and comparison stage, and yet others are ready to buy. Buyer personas can assist you in determining what type of content to develop for each step.

Businesses can more effectively target these categories by segmenting these clients into appropriate email marketing lists. Customers require knowledge to progress to the next stage of the buying cycle, and the correct content may help them do so. It’s all about moving these leads through your sales funnel as efficiently as possible, rather than as quickly as feasible.

7. Boost Brand Recognition

No, social media isn’t the only tool that can help a business raise brand awareness. Having a customer’s or prospect’s email address indicates that they are interested in your company. By keeping top of mind, email marketing allows you to increase that degree of interest and brand awareness.

This does not imply that you should send four emails every day to each and every consumer. That’s a terrific way to have customers dislike you… Instead, use email marketing to highlight your involvement in the community.

Too often, businesses use email marketing to try to sell, sell, sell their products while entirely overlooking the importance of brand awareness. They’re also preventing the ultimate prospect of gaining customer trust and giving their business a sense of personality by doing so.

8. It’s Also Timely

When it comes to selling, selling, selling…

Yes, if you approach email marketing correctly, one of the benefits of it can be to sell your items. It’s critical to make use of all available client data and information. Sending clients a birthday offer or informing them that their favorite dish is half-price is far more successful than simply sending them a menu.

Seasonal offers can also be included in this email marketing plan, allowing you to promote a Christmas special or an annual sale. Create a sense of urgency for any offer — clients are more inclined to buy when a deal is about to expire.

9. Almost Everyone Uses Email

According to a Hubspot poll, 91 percent of consumers utilize email. That alone should persuade you to investigate the tool. Unless your industry makes up the other 9% (hint: it doesn’t), email is a fantastic way to communicate with clients.

You may send them discounts, special offers, new items, and more, and they can share and forward those emails to whomever they choose. Encourage customers to share offers as much as possible with a strong email marketing plan. Do you recall the concept of brand awareness?

Email is especially important in the B2B industry, with 73 percent of organizations using it as their primary mode of communication.

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