How Much Do Insurance Agents Make?

Insurance agents are qualified professionals that conduct a requirements analysis and assist their clients in selecting the appropriate insurance products. They play a critical role in ensuring that their customers’ families are safeguarded from future financial loss.

If you’re thinking about becoming an insurance agent, knowing the average income will help you decide if it’s the appropriate career path for you. In this post, we look at the states with the highest average insurance agent salaries and how to get started as an insurance agent.

What is an insurance agent?

An insurance agent is a professional who has been designated by at least one insurance firm and is licensed by their state to market insurance products to consumers. An insurance agent’s job entails making phone or in-person contact with leads, conducting a customer needs analysis, discussing insurance products that meet the customer’s requirements, and completing insurance applications and screenings.

Health insurance, life insurance, property and casualty insurance, variable annuities, and ancillary products such as dental, vision, accident, disability, and critical illness insurance are all available through insurance agents.

Independent and captive agents are the two categories of insurance agents. Independent insurance agents are frequently affiliated with multiple insurance companies and may typically provide a broader range of insurance products than captive agents. Captive insurance brokers work only for a single insurance company and can only sell the company’s products.


Insurance agent average salary

It’s crucial to consider the average income and salary range when calculating the national average compensation for a position. When accepting a job offer, there are also other salary aspects to consider, such as overtime pay, bonuses, and benefits packages.

Although income rates by profession and location will always fluctuate throughout this article, the national average salary for an insurance agent in the United States is $79,965 per year, with a salary range of $17,000 to $188,000 per year. Indeed is a good place to go for the most up-to-date wage information.

Insurance agents’ earnings are frequently made up of a basic wage plus commissions and/or bonuses.

Independent insurance agents are typically paid only on commission, whereas captive insurance agents are typically paid a base salary with minor commissions or bonuses.

If you’re thinking about becoming an insurance agent, you’re putting yourself in a position to have a financially rewarding and stable profession. Not only is there a huge need for insurance agents, but even the typical insurance agent can make enough money to live comfortably.

The amount of money an insurance agent can make is determined by a variety of factors, but making the proper decisions for your specific scenario could result in a salary of more than six figures.

Find out how much insurance agents will earn in 2020 and what you can do to boost your profits.

How Much Do Insurance Agents Make in 2020?

As of 2018, an insurance agent earned an average of $50,600 a year, according to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics. The salary ranges from $27,500 to $125,610, with the lowest 10% getting less than $27,500 and the wealthiest 10% earning more than $125,610.

The manner in which an insurance agent receives a yearly pay varies based on the company for which they work and the sort of insurance they sell. They can be paid on a salary-only basis, a salary-and-commission basis, or a salary-plus-bonus basis. Part of the reason why an insurance agent’s profits can vary so much is because of the commission issue. The majority of independent insurance agents rely only on commission to make a living.


What Factors Determine an Insurance Agent’s Salary?

The average insurance agent’s pay does not reflect the earnings of all insurance agents. Agents might earn anywhere from less than the national average to six figures. There are a number of elements that can influence their salary.

Agent Classification

Whether you’re a captive agent or an independent agent, your earning potential varies. Captive agents are only allowed to sell the products of one insurance provider.

Captive agents benefit from having the insurance business generate leads for them, as well as working in a formal office setting with other agents. A captive agent, on the other hand, is constrained to selling only one insurance company’s policies, making it more difficult to close a deal.

Commissions are common for captive agents, although they may also be paid a salary by their insurance firm. Many people rely on a holiday bonus to supplement their yearly income.

Independent agents are self-employed. While they do not benefit from having an insurance company market their products for them, they do have limitless opportunities to expand their business and the option to sell a variety of policies from numerous insurance companies.

Captive agents can provide significant benefits to less experienced insurance agents, whilst independent agents can provide greater benefits to those with more expertise.
The type of insurance agent you wish to be is determined by your personal circumstances and career objectives.

Insurance Types

The sort of insurance you sell has an impact on how much money you make. Each sort of insurance has its own set of chances for recruiting new clients and increasing profits by upselling existing ones.

An insurance agent can expect to make a percentage of the policy’s premium as well as a percentage of the policy renewal while selling house and auto insurance. This means that having a growing customer base can potentially increase your earnings dramatically.

The compensation structure for life and health insurance policies differs slightly. The agent earns a big share of the sale when a consumer first signs up for a policy.

The agent earns money from policy renewals as well, albeit at a much lower rate. Many agents stop earning a commission on insurance renewal after the third year.

Another important factor in determining your wage is where you live. The cost of living, crime rates, public health, accident rates, and other local statistics can all have a significant impact on insurance costs. These local elements, in turn, have an impact on the size of premiums and, as a result, the insurance agent’s commission.

A large population area may bring more prospects for new clients, but it may also supply a higher concentration of agents, making the market more competitive. Before determining where you want to work as an insurance agent, think about your ideal compensation and lifestyle.

Structure of the Commission

As an insurance agent, the percentage and amount of commissions you receive might have an impact on your earnings.

You can typically earn a considerably bigger percentage of your commission as an independent agent.

You will receive a reduced share of the policy price if you are a captive agent. The average captive agent receives a 5-10% commission on any policy sold, whereas the average independent agent receives a 15 percent commission.


Formal training is more important than education when it comes to becoming an insurance agent. While a bachelor’s degree is advantageous, the post can be filled with someone who simply has high school graduation.


Insurance agents must learn from other agents when it comes to training. Many new agents will shadow other agents in order to gain a better understanding of the profession and its requirements. Continuing education is also essential, as laws and regulations governing the construction and sale of insurance products are continuously changing.

Insurance agents are required to be licensed by the state in which they work. To offer different forms of insurance, agents may need to obtain multiple licenses. Agents earn their licenses by passing state-mandated tests in insurance law and ethics.

Payment Prospects

Insurance agents have favorable income and employment prospects compared to many other occupations in the United States. By 2028, the role is predicted to rise by 10%. Because insurance businesses will always need a mechanism to find and acquire new clients, position demand is predicted to remain stable. This is especially true for independent insurance agents, who are increasingly being used by insurance firms to save expenses.

For the time being, the position is likewise immune to automation. In reality, technology has aided insurance brokers in increasing their productivity. New technologies, such as market automation software, have made it easier for insurance agents to acquire new clients, develop long-term connections with them, and, as a result, sell more insurance and renew policy renewals.


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