Best Proven Ways to Increase Your Website Organic Traffic

How to Increase your Website Organic Traffic

Many organizations find it difficult to come up with fresh and creative techniques to boost website traffic. There’s a lot of misinformation out there about how to get more visitors, which might lead to you repeating the same old techniques and expecting different results.

Here are 10 tried-and-true tactics for increasing website traffic, both organically and through paid advertising.

Perform Keyword Research First.

Include relevant keywords in your text at all times. Keywords should be used naturally, not crammed into the content to the point where they distract the reader or detract from the core theme. Keywords should be used throughout the text, including in the meta description, page title, URL, headers, and a few other places.

You can utilize tools like Moz, Ahrefs, and SEMrush to conduct keyword research. These sites display what keywords competitors are using, how frequently people search for keywords, how expensive the term is for pay-per-click ads, related keywords, and much more useful data to help with keyword planning.

Hiring an SEO service is also a viable alternative, as they can provide useful insights and conduct audits to uncover issues that are preventing your site from being seen in search engines.

Produce Content That Is Memorable

It’s not enough to simply submit the material; you also need to develop content that is memorable and stands out. In reality, one of the most effective strategies to increase website traffic is to provide relevant and memorable content.


People turn to Google for specific, complete, and correct answers to their questions, and your material should be there to supply them. In fact, websites with blog content have 434 percent more pages indexed by search engines than those without.

Furthermore, sites that publish more than 16 articles per month receive roughly 3.5 times the amount of traffic as sites that publish zero to four articles per month. The basic line is that web traffic should increase if you care about the material you create, upload often, and investigate what your audience wants to see.

Write Guest Posts

Guest posting on other people’s websites is a great strategy to get backlinks, increase referral traffic, and improve your search engine results page (SERP) ranks. Always do your homework before pitching a website in your industry.

To begin, examine a website’s content to ensure it is of good quality, as well as its domain authority and guest blogging restrictions. Also, inquire if the newspaper will promote the post on social media and if you will be tagged.

Maintain Social Media Pages that are Active

The importance of social media in drawing visitors is enormous. Here are some ideas about how to use it to boost website traffic:

  • Distribute information throughout your social media platforms (blogs, e-books, white papers, infographics, videos, and so on).
  • Replying to followers, reposting their posts, and tagging them are all ways to interact with them.
  • Use hashtags that are relevant.
  • When new content is released, update the link in your bio to promote it.
  • To promote fresh material, change the cover photo. Tag influencers who could be interested in the content.
  • To persuade them to click the link to the material, include tempting information from it.

Make Use of Advertising to Boost Traffic to Your Website.

  • Respond to other people who are looking for answers by including links to your content in your response.
  • Paid search, social networking, and display ads can all be effective ways to drive visitors to your website. Each approach has advantages and disadvantages — for example, users can block display advertising, and the average cost per click for Google Ads on the search network is between $1 and $2 per click — so it’s critical to define budgets and goals before ploughing money into it.
  • Advertisement

When it comes to pay-per-click (PPC) ads, for example, it’s crucial to start with just one campaign and a few different ad groups that contain the terms you want to target the most. Once your ads are up and running, monitor how audiences respond to various terms.

Perhaps one term generated simply impressions and did not result in increased website traffic, but another generated clicks and transactions.

Send Newsletters Through Email

Using email newsletters to promote content is an efficient technique to boost website traffic. Here are some best practices for email marketing:

  • In the subject line and body of the email, provide appealing information from the material.
  • Subscribers can click a link or a button to read more of the material.
  • Check to see if your emails are mobile-friendly. Because mobile devices account for 46% of all email openings, links should be easily visible.
  • Make use of personalization techniques by including the subscriber’s name.
  • Use well-designed themes to make the email aesthetically appealing.
  • A/B test different versions of emails to discover which ones get more opens and clicks

Reach Out to Industry Influencers

.Influencers in the industry are eager to contribute material that their audience would enjoy. Influencers can be reached in a variety of methods, including:

  • If your piece mentions the influencer’s content or research, mention them in a social media post.
  • Request an interview/Q&A with the influencer, then tag or email the influencer when the content is published. They’ll almost certainly share your stuff with their followers.
  • When marketing the piece on social media, do a round-up with many influencers (e.g., “10 Experts Predict Small Business Trends for 2020”) and tag each of the participants.
  • Influencers can be paid to publish sponsored content on their social media profiles.
  • If you’re not sure where to begin, use tools like HypeAuditor and BuzzSumo to locate the proper influencers in your field, or hire a digital marketing agency to perform the work for you.

Create a Useful Industry Tool

Content Providing prospects with useful information is a wonderful method to increase visitors. For example, at our content marketing agency, we designed a free editorial calendar template that anyone could use.

We wanted to provide marketers with a tool to help them create and distribute content more efficiently. Create a variety of tools and content that will benefit people in your sector, and then make them available for free on their websites.

You may maximize your returns and find new leads by publishing gated content/tools (content and tools in exchange for the user’s contact information). Promoting the content/tools on relevant LinkedIn groups or forums where people in the industry connect is another strategy to enhance website traffic.

Distribute Press Releases to Powerful Publications

When companies write press releases to market themselves or their clients, they shouldn’t merely throw them up on a press release syndication service and hope for the best. They must promote the release aggressively and send it to influential websites and magazines in their fields.

When we want to share excellent news about a client, we send it to industry blogs and newspapers that their target audience reads. As a result, we can generate dozens of new prospects for the customer and increase referral traffic.


Exchange backlinks

There are several prospects for backlink exchanges with so many firms attempting to enhance website traffic. Contact relevant websites and offer your work as a resource to be included in one of their pieces. You can add an extra incentive by offering a mutually advantageous backlink swap, in which you promise to include one of their links in a post of yours.

That’s exactly what we accomplished for Rainbow Muffler & Brake, one of our clients. “The Essential Road Trip Checklist for Your Car” is a blog post we wrote for them. We then used Pitchbox to find relevant websites and contacted them to see if they wanted to promote our article.

A backlink and social media post swap was agreed upon by the website WheelScene, which resulted in a 23,245 percent boost in views! Businesses can make a lot of money if they discover the correct backlink exchange partner.

Today’s Strategies for Increasing Website Traffic

Businesses should expect to see an increase in website traffic over time if they take these actions. While some of these strategies bring immediate reward, others will require more time and patience. Continue to push forward by experimenting with different ways and assessing the results.

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