Which Of The Following Is True About Credit Life Insurance?

What Is Credit Life Insurance and How Does It Work?

Credit life insurance is a form of life insurance coverage that pays out a borrower’s outstanding obligations in the event that the borrower passes away. As the debt is paid off over time, the face value of a credit life insurance policy declines proportionately with the outstanding loan amount, until both approach zero.

What Credit Life Insurance Is and How It Works

When you take out a loan, whether it’s a mortgage, a car loan, or a line of credit, you’ll usually be offered credit life insurance. In the event that the borrower dies, the policy pays to repay the loan. If you have a co-signer on your mortgage, credit life insurance will shield them from having to make loan payments after you pass away. If you’re the principal breadwinner and your loan co-signer would struggle to make payments if you died, such plans are worth considering.


In most circumstances, heirs who aren’t co-signers on your loans aren’t compelled to pay off your obligations when you pass away; debts aren’t usually passed down. Only a few states recognize community property, and even then, only your spouse—not your children—could be held accountable for your obligations.

When banks lend money, they assume the risk that the borrower would die before repaying the loan. Credit life insurance, on the other hand, is designed to protect the lender rather than your heirs. In fact, the proceeds from a credit life insurance policy go to the lender rather than your heirs.


  • Credit life insurance is a sort of coverage designed to pay off certain outstanding debts if the borrower passes away before the obligation is entirely settled.
  • In some cases, it may be necessary.
  • Credit life insurance policies have a period that corresponds to the loan maturity and declining death benefits, which corresponds to the reduction in the amount of debt owed overtime.
  • Because of their unique nature, credit life plans sometimes have less strict underwriting requirements.

One way to protect a joint borrower is to get credit life insurance.

If you want to prevent your spouse from having to pay off your debts after you pass away, traditional term life insurance may be the best option. If this is the case, the policy’s value will be paid to your spouse tax-free when you die. The proceeds might be utilized to pay off the debt in part or in full. For the same coverage level, term life insurance from a life insurance company is usually less expensive than credit life insurance.


Furthermore, credit life insurance loses value over time because it only covers the outstanding debt on the loan, whereas the value of a term life insurance policy remains constant.

There is no need for a medical examination.

A credit life insurance policy has the advantage of requiring less severe health screening and, in certain situations, no medical examination at all. Guaranteed issue life insurance is what it’s called. Term life insurance, on the other hand, nearly usually requires a medical test; even if you are in good health, the premium price will be increased as you get older.

Credit Life Insurance Is a Personal Choice

Credit life insurance is illegal to require in a loan, as is basing loan choices on credit life insurance acceptance. Nonetheless, credit life insurance is occasionally included in a loan, increasing your monthly payments, so it’s crucial to inquire about it with your lender.

Credit life insurance pays to repay a borrower’s debts if he or she passes away. It’s usually available from a bank at the time of a mortgage closing, when you take out a line of credit, or when you acquire a car loan. If your spouse or someone else is a co-signer on the loan, this form of insurance is extremely crucial to shield them from having to repay the amount. In areas where heirs aren’t shielded from a parent’s outstanding obligations, it also protects your spouse or heirs.

Do you require credit protection?

While credit life insurance is occasionally included in a loan, it is illegal to require it. Acceptance of credit life insurance as a criterion for loan approval is also prohibited.

What does credit life insurance attempt to achieve?

The main purpose is to protect your descendants from being stuck with outstanding loan obligations in the case of your death. If your spouse or someone else is a co-signer on the loan, this is very vital to shield them from having to repay the amount. In areas where heirs aren’t shielded from a parent’s outstanding obligations, it also protects your spouse or heirs.


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