Vivo Has Officially Started Making Phones in Pakistan

Vivo Has Officially Started Making Phones in Pakistan
Vivo Has Officially Started Making Phones in Pakistan

China’s tech giant vivo has begun to officially manufacture smartphones in Pakistan.

The smartphone needs of a country, which sells more than 1.5 million or 2.5 million appliances per month, are covered by Vivo, located at M-3 Industrial Estate in Faisalabad and constructed with USD 10 million investment.


While we don’t know the models produced locally in Pakistan, but when it comes to sources, “Made in Pak istan” smartphones are ready to go to shops in Pakistan.


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Though requesting anonymity, the company officials said the facility is not only helping Pakistan to save on import bills but is also growing its market share in the country by five to seven percent.

In Pakistan currently, demand is 32 million telephony telephones and an estimated total of $1 billion in import spending according to AlphaBetaCore, a research firm specializing in technology investments.

Pakistan is now the seventh market in vivo with assembly operations in works where it locally produces smartphones.

Additional information on the project is still on the surface and from sources, we can confirm that in the next couple of days Mr. Bruce Zhang, manager of the Vivo plant, will publish the official press release.

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Although this is just the beginning, we expect that the local smartphone production in Pakistan will increase to the degree to which companies start exporting phones.


Smartphones in Pakistan have always been overpriced, but we can expect smartphones to cost the same price as their official prices following that growth.

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