Security Arrangements for Lahore Leg of PSL 7 Finalized

Security Arrangements for Lahore Leg of PSL 7 Finalized
Security Arrangements for Lahore Leg of PSL 7 Finalized

The government has taken many initiatives to address security issues in preparation for the second round of PSL 2022, which will take place at Gaddafi Stadium in Lahore from February 10 to 27.


The gas connections in the local hotels around the Gaddafi Stadium would be suspended throughout the matches and players’ movements, according to the details. After biometric authentic ation, security officials will allow fans to enter the stadium.


During the matches, two of Lahore’s premier hospitals, Sir Ganga Ram Hospital and Lahore General Hospital, will collaborate to set up a 35-bed temporary hospital outside the Gaddafi Stadium.

Security agencies will conduct thorough checks of general bus stops, parking lots, gas stations, and public transportation buses during the matches, according to the details. The Pakistan Army, Rangers, and other security agencies will provide complete security for the players during the matches.

The security forces will also maintain impenetrable protection in and around the Gaddafi Stadium, as well as in local hotels and airports. After receiving permission from security officials, all international players and another team member will leave the hotel.

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